Saturday, 26 November 2016

Black Friday + One

After a planning meeting at breakfast yesterday, we decided to go to the post office late morning and then head across town to the auction rooms to the viewing. The timing of this was crucial, so that we would hopefully miss the congestion of the thousands flocking to the Bleak Friday event. We arrived  at the auction house car park as planned with the Blue Danube playing on the radio, I pointed out to Lady Wuffinga that it was written by Strauss but I could not remember which one, she said, "was it Joanne?" I pointed out that I did not know whether there was a lady Strauss involved in composing!

On the way back from looking at unconsidered trifles and boxes of various at the auction, the sun was at its highest, a beautiful but coolish autumn day, by this time the radio was blurting out some advert for lamb joints for £4 a kilo at some temple of retail, which was a bit disconcerting as it came after Rachmaninov's Symphony No 2. The shopping was well under way in town and with so many people flashing the bank cards under the very bright lights of all the retail emporia, and with the brightness of the sun, Card Flash can become a serious condition amongst the unwary, a bit like snow blindness for skiers. So for next years Black Friday I thought a rose tinted pair of shades would be useful allowing people to shop in comfort.

On the way back we decided to stop at Lidl for a few food related comestibles and found that the tins of butter beans had been reduced from 35p to 33p per tin, which was a nice surprise. So we saved four pence therefore black Friday was not so bad.

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