Sunday, 19 March 2017

What Came First, The Rabbit Or The Egg ?

While we were out shopping Lady Wuffinga noticed that the store's in house brochure was advertising Easter eggs which incorporated a chocolate bunny. I think this is probably an evolutionary first; rabbits from an egg - rabbit eggs!!! It could be quite confusing for small children who have been told that birds come from eggs, like the chicken, albatross and other raptors, quite a few of which fly, apart from the trotty birds which do not. Is the expectation that rabbits will be able to fly and have bunny nests in trees? But to confuse, we have the puffin which lives in burrows so is the puffin some sort of rabbit? Rabbits as far as I know do not eat sand eels. I thought rabbits ate carrots, but are there wild carrots? As most of them seem to be grown in neat rows in vegetable patches. So did thumper and his mates eat other things before the advent of horticulture?

It could be that it is only the chocolate eggs that the rabbits break into, to get at the packet of shinny coloured sweets inside, consequently looking glassy eyed, smiley and pleased. Perhaps that's why rabbits are hyperactive. The brochure also advertised white chocolate lambs, chocolate carrots and chocolate chickens. What has all this scoffing of chocolate got to do with Easter? You do not see the Christians wandering around with chocolate crucifixes or miniature chocolate crowns of thorns decorated with bits of angelica and cochineal, do you?

An alternative is the mid-lent Simnel Cake sandwiched with marzipan, that's if you can get the fresh simnels to put in it. The fruit of the simnel shrub is quite hard to find. They fruit every third year and only grow on the wind swept heath lands of eastern Suffolk. Unfortunately these ground hugging fruits are liked by rabbits so getting a few for the cake can be difficult. Perhaps that is the link between rabbits and Easter?

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